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6 Nov

Haha aren’t I clever?  Don’t answer that.

Hide and Seek

5 Oct

Hello!  I am not dead.  I’m just in London, which is so awesome that I have not actually had time to update.  Or draw.  So I will be posting comics again, but on a less regular basis.  I’m going to try for once a week.  Also, if you want to read some funny stuff about how food is trying to kill you, check this out:

You might notice that one of the facts involves putting wood in your food.  Hmmm…that sounds a little familiar.  Don’t remember my old comics?  Read through and try to see which one might pertain to this particular issue.





Steak and Bacon (Translation from Wednesday)

26 Aug

So there you have it!  This is what they were saying on Wednesday.  To me it’s not even funny because of the words.  It’s the expressions that make this so amusing.  Also, there’s a sort of pun I put in the Japanese version that simply doesn’t translate to English.  In the first panel, the steak says, “I am a splendid steak.”  In Japanese, the word for “splendid” is “suteki.”  The word for steak just so happens to be “suteki” as well.  So I had the steak saying, “I am a suteki suteki!”  Like I said…it’s hilarious.  Just trust me on that.  See you Monday!


24 Aug

For those of you out there who don’t speak Japanese, rest assured this comic is hilarious.  Also, since I am a benevolent person, the translation will go up on Friday.  Lame excuse to post the same comic twice?  Yes.  Save me drawing time?  Definitely.  Do I feel bad about it?  Not really.  See you Friday!  じゃね!







Side Dish

22 Aug

You know what I’ve just discovered?  Besides the fact that meat is a great side dish as well as main course.  Sweet potato fries are a great side dish!  But how do you make them without frying them or using vegetable oils, you may ask.  Simple!  Bake them in coconut oil!  That stuff smells great and it tastes even better.  Bake at 350 degrees F for…a lot of time.  Until they’re crispy.  Stir them around and flip them over every ten minutes or so.  Then eat as a side dish with that rare 8 oz. steak!  Enjoy!

Corn Fed

19 Aug

Don’t believe me about corn being bad for cows and for us?  Check out this article:  It’s pretty informative, despite the guy they quote who’s all, “Mehhh!  Meat should be a garnish!  The animals shouldn’t be fed corn because humans need that corn!”  I just kind of sighed, shook my head, and then moved over that part.  But the rest of it is pretty good.  Also, here’s another reason grass-fed cows are awesome:

Oatmeal is Grody

17 Aug

What fabulous dresses I drew!  Speaking of Parmesan!  Have you ever eaten Parmesan Tuilles?  They’re delicious!  All you have to do is drop some shredded Parmesan in little clumps onto a frying pan and wait til they melt and brown.  Then flip using a fork and let brown on the other side.  They’re so yummy!  It’s like crackers without the bread!  And I suppose you could throw some bacon in there, too, if you wanted to experiment…

Douche in a Pickup

15 Aug

Tee hee!  I’m so mean.  See you Wednesday!

Getting a Job

12 Aug

So this comic is a little depressing, which means I have to say something to counter it so my readers don’t all jump off a bridge.  How about this?  I’m losing weight!  What’s that you say?  You don’t care if I lose weight?  I know!  But if I can do it (I am the laziest person I know) then you sure as hell can!  All I did was cut sugar and gluten out of my life.  I haven’t even been exercising really, unless you count going up the stairs to get to bed every night.  Eating healthy doesn’t have to be a burden.  On my diet, I eat the following regularly:

– Butter (from grass-fed cows)

– Red meat (Medium Rare because it’s soooo tender…also I usually cook it in butter)

– Sea food (That includes shellfish and sushi, though I started going the sashimi route to avoid the rice)

– Eggs (Over easy, soft boiled, omelets)

– Cheese (As long as it’s sugar free, and made with whole milk, I eat it every morning in my omelets)

– Liver (Okay, most people aren’t as excited about the prospect of organ meats as I am, but hey.  For those of you who are…Liver!)


So you see, it’s not all bad!  And every now and then, I feel free to give myself a treat.  Like ice cream!  If you recall, I love ice cream.

Steamy Comic

8 Aug

I’ve never had tea that color green before….Anyway!  I know this comic was kinda raunchy, but what can I say?  I’m a rebel.  See you Wednesday!